before stands for Behavioral Finance Online Research and exclusively allows financial professionals from around the world to assess, understand, and control the behavioral biases we are all prone to. Participants take part in incentivized online experiments to explore their behavior in economic and financial situations. Participants receive anonymous feedback how they perform relative to their peers and exclusive information on recent scientific findings in Behavioral Finance.
before serves as a platform for academic research and is run by researchers at the University of Innsbruck (Michael Kirchler, Jürgen Huber) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Utz Weitzel). If you have any questions, please get in touch with michael.kirchler[at]
We protect our participants’ privacy. In our research we will only use non-personal information, i.e., de-personalized or aggregate data. All data gathered in the experiments will only be used for personal feedback and academic research. Personal information will not be shared with any third parties for whatever purposes.
Furthermore, we aim for a maximum level of integrity. As is common standard in Experimental Economics, we do not deceive subjects at any time. All information provided and decisions taken in our online experiments are true. All decision tasks and surveys are part of academic research projects and as such checked by a scientific board.